A Seedland experimental experiential real estate project 
Unboxing seeks to transform the traditional handover experience that occurs when purchasing new property, from dated procedures and processes to an updated experience that embraces technology. The aim is to emulate the feeling that consumers get when they unbox a new product that they have just bought. 
Unboxing proposes to have a temporary inflatable structure that allows new owners to experience an entirely novel key exchange process. Upon entry, visitors are registered and ushered into the waiting area while their "unboxing" package is being prepared.

Once ready, they will be escorted into private pods where their "unboxing" experience will begin. An overhead projector will play a video highlighting all the key features of the development. The key will then be delivered to them via an autonomous robot
The way-finding and signage system was kept simple and modular. Signage needed to be portable and accommodate interchangeable messaging. 
A simple bead blasted steel standing structure was chosen as the main form, with blue LED highlights add a touch of futurism. Directional signage includes a light box with interchangeable vinyl sticker messaging.
Client: Seedland
Signage Design: Patrick Khoo, Tan Yann Bin

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